Hysteria, over-sensitiveness, nervous affections, when apparently well-chosen remedies fail. Hysterical spasms and affections generally. Hysterical flatulency.

Mind.--Changeable disposition. Feels light, as if floating in air. Over-sensitiveness (Staph). Hallucinations at night. Irritable. Tremulous.
Head.--Sensation of great coldness. Pressure in forehead. Feeling of intoxication.
Ears.--Earache from exposure to draughts and cold. Nervous noises. Hyperæsthesia.
Throat.--Sensation as if a thread were hanging down throat. Nausea felt in throat. Pharynx feels constricted.
Stomach.--Hunger, with nausea. Eructations foul. Heartburn with gulping of rancid fluid. Nausea, with faintness. Child vomits curdled milk in large lumps after nursing.
Abdomen.--Bloated. Hysterical cramps. Thin, watery diarrhœa, with lumps of coagulated milk, with violent screaming in children. Greenish, papescent, bloody stool. Spasms in bowels after food and at night in bed.
Respiratory.--Choking on falling asleep. Spasmodic asthma; convulsive movements of the diaphragm.
Female.--Menses late and scanty (Puls).
Extremities.--Rheumatic pains in limbs. Constant jerking. Heaviness. Sciatica; pain worse standing and resting on floor (Bell); better walking. Pain in heels when sitting.
Sleep.--Sleepless, with nightly itching and muscular spasms. Worse on waking.
Fever.--Long lasting heat, often with sweat on face. Heat predominates. Sensation of icy coldness (Heloderma; Camp; Abies c).
Relationship.--Compare: Asaf; Ign; Croc; Castor; Amm valer (in neuralgia, gastric disturbance, and great nervous agitation). Insomnia especially during pregnancy and menopause. Feeble, hysterical nervous patients.

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