Nosode-From vaccine matter
Nosode-From vaccine matter
Vaccine poison is capable of setting up a morbid state of extreme
chronicity, named by Burnett Vaccinosis, symptoms like those of Hahnemann's Sycosis.
Neuralgias, inveterate skin eruptions, chilliness, indigestion with great flatulent
distension (Clark). Whooping-cough.
Mind.--Irritable, impatient ill-humored, nervous.
Head.--Frontal headache. Forehead and eyes feel as if split.
Inflamed and red lids.
Skin.--Hot and dry. Pimples and blotches. Eruption like
Relationship.--Compare: anti-vaccinal remedies; Variolin; Malandrinum; Thuja, powerful adjuvants in treatment
of malignant disease.
Dose.--Sixth to 200th potency.