Zinc - (ZINC)
Zinc - (ZINC)
The provings picture cerebral depression. The word "fag" covers
a large part of zinc action. Tissues are worn out faster than they are repaired. Poisoning
from suppressed eruptions or discharges. The nervous symptoms of most importance. Defective
vitality. Impending brain paralysis. Period of depression in
disease. Spinal affections. Twitchings. Pain, as if between skin and flesh. Great
relief from discharges. Chorea, from fright or suppressed eruption. Convulsions,
with pale face and no heat. Marked anæmia with profound prostration. It causes a
decrease in the number, and destruction of red blood corpuscles. Repercussed eruptive
diseases. In chronic diseases with brain and spinal symptoms, trembling, convulsive
twitching and fidgety feet are guiding symptoms.
Mind.--Weak memory. Very sensitive to
noise. Averse to work, to talk. Child repeats everything
said to it. Fears arrest on account of a supposed crime. Melancholia. Lethargic, stupid. Paresis.
Head.--Feels as if he would fall to left side. Headache from
the smallest quantity of wine. Hydrocephalus. Rolls head from side to side. Bores head into
pillow. Occipital pain, with weight on vertex. Automatic
motion of head and hands. Brain-fag; headaches of overtaxed school children. Forehead cool; base of brain hot. Roaring in head. Starting in
Eyes.--Pterygium; smarting, lachrymation, itching. Pressure as
if pressed into head. Itching and soreness of lids and inner angles.
Ptosis. Rolling of eyes. Blurring of one-half of vision;
worse, stimulants. Squinting. Amaurosis, with severe
headache. Red and inflamed conjunctiva; worse, inner canthus.
Ears.--Tearing, stitches, and external swelling. Discharge of
fetid pus.
Nose.--Sore feeling high up; pressure upon root.
Face.--Pale lips, and
corners of mouth cracked. Redness and itching eruption on chin. Tearing in facial bones.
Mouth.--Teeth loose. Gums bleed. Gnashing of teeth. Bloody
taste. Blisters on tongue. Difficult dentition; child weak; cold and restless feet.
Throat.--Dry; constant inclination to hawk up tenacious mucus.
Rawness and dryness in throat and larynx. Pain in muscles of throat when swallowing.
Stomach.-- Hiccough, nausea, vomiting of bitter mucus. Burning
in stomach, heartburn from sweet things. Cannot stand smallest
quantity of wine. Ravenous hunger about 11 am (Sulph).
Great greediness when eating; cannot eat fast enough. Atonic dyspepsia, feeling as if
stomach were collapsed.
Abdomen.--Pain after a light meal, with tympanitis. Pain in
spot beneath navel. Gurgling and griping; distended. Flatulent colic, with retraction of
abdomen (Plumb). Enlarged, indurated sore liver. Reflex
symptoms from floating kidney. Griping after eating.
Urine.--Can only void urine when sitting bent backwards.
Hysterical retention. Involuntary urination when walking, coughing or sneezing.
Rectum.--Hard, small, constipated stool. Cholera
infantum, with tenesmus; green mucous discharges. Sudden cessation of diarrhœa,
followed by cerebral symptoms.
Male.--Testicles swelled, drawn up. Erections violent.
Emissions with hypochondriasis. Falling off of hair (pubic). Drawing in testicles up to
spermatic cord.
Female.--Ovarian pain, especially
left; can't keep still (Viburn). Nymphomania
of lying-in women. Menses too late, suppressed; lochia suppressed (Puls).
Breasts painful. Nipples sore. Menses flow more at night (Bov).
Complaints all better during menstrual flow. (Eupion; Lach). All the female
symptoms are associated with restlessness, depression, coldness spinal tenderness and
restless feet. Dry cough before and during menses.
Respiratory.--Burning pressure beneath sternum. Constriction
and cutting in chest. Hoarseness. Debilitating, spasmodic cough; worse, eating sweet things.
Child grasps genitals during cough. Asthmatic bronchitis, with constriction, of chest. Dyspnœa better as soon as expectoration appears.
Back.--Pain in small of back. Cannot bear back touched (Sul; Therid; Cinch).
Tension and stinging between shoulders. Spinal irritation. Dull
aching about the last dorsal or first lumbar vertebræ; worse sitting. Burning along spine.
Nape of neck weary from writing or any exertion. Tearing in shoulder-blades.
Extremities.--Lameness, weakness,
trembling and twitching of various muscles. Chilblains (Agar).
Feet in continued motion; cannot keep still. Large varicose veins
on legs. Sweaty. Convulsions, with pale face. Transverse
pains, especially in upper extremity. Soles of feet
sensitive. Steps with entire sole of foot on floor.
Sleep.--Cries out during sleep; body jerks; wakes frightened,
stared. Nervous motion of feet when asleep. Loud screaming out at night in sleep without
being aware of it. Somnambulism (Kali phos).
Skin.--Varicose veins,
especially of lower extremities (Puls). Formication of
feet and legs as from bugs crawling over the skin, preventing sleep. Eczema, especially in
the anæmic and neurotic. Itching of thighs and hollow of knees.
Retrocession of eruptions.
Fever.--Frequent, febrile shiverings down back. Cold
extremities. Night-sweat. Profuse sweat on feet.
Modalities.--Worse, at
menstrual period, from touch, between 5 to 7 pm; after dinner, from wine. Better, while eating, discharges, and appearance of eruptions.
Relationship.--Compare: Agaric; Ign;
Plumb; Argent; Puls; Helleb; Tuberc. Inimical: Nux; Cham.
Compare in amelioration by secretions: Lach; Stan; Mosch.
Compare: Zincum aceticum (effects of
night-watching and erysipelas; brain feels sore; Rademacher's
solution, five-drop doses three times a day in water, for
those who are compelled to work, on an insufficient amount of sleep); Zinc, bromatum (dentition, chorea, hydrocephalus); Zinc oxydatum (Nausea and sour taste). Sudden vomiting in
children. Vomiting of bile and diarrhœa. Flatulent abdomen. Watery stools with tenesmus.
Debility after grip. Fiery red face, great drowsiness
with dreamlike unrefreshing sleep. Similar to effect of night watching. Mental and physical
exertion (Rademacher). Zinc. Sulph, not repeated
frequently (high potency) will clear up opacities of the cornea (McFarland). Corneitis;
granular lids; tongue paralyzed; cramps in arms and legs; trembling and convulsions.
Hypochondriasis due to masturbation; nervous headaches; Zinc
cyanatum (as a remedy for meningitis and cerebro-spinal meningitis, paralysis
agitans, chorea, and hysteria, it has received some attention); Zinc
ars (chorea, anæmia, profound exhaustion on
slight exertion. Depression and marked involvement of lower extremities); Zinc carb (post-gonorrhœal throat affections, tonsils
swollen, bluish superficial spots); Zinc phos (herpes
zoster 1x); Zinc muriat (disposition to pick the
bedclothes; sense of smell and taste perverted; bluish-green tint of skin; cold and sweaty);
Zinc phos (neuralgia of head and face; lightning-like
pains in locomotor ataxia, brain-fag, nervousness, and vertigo; sexual excitement and
sleeplessness); Ammon valerian (violent neuralgia, with
great nervous agitation); Zinc picricum (facial
paralysis; brain-fag, headache in Bright's disease; seminal emissions; loss of memory and
energy). Oxide of zinc is used locally as an astringent and stimulant application to
unhealthy ulcers, fissures, intertrigo, burns, etc.
Dose.--Second to sixth potency.